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Exploring a world of gratitude amidst a pandemic

Writer's picture: Lisa Nicks-Balthasar Lisa Nicks-Balthasar

Hi Friends,

We here at Sacred Soulmates would like to share some inspirational thoughts with you!


A mindset shift and skill that you can put into ACTION right now to help you step fully into living your best life. (Read through to the end to discover this skill)



2020 has been quite a year, around the world, people are experiencing suffering like never before. But what if times of hardship were meant to awaken parts of ourselves we had previously closed off? Or better yet, to help us evolve into who we are meant to be?


At the heart of this global pandemic we have been forced as a collective humanity to reach deep inside to find out what we truly value and desire in our life. Deep gratitude and appreciation for so many things we took for granted is being instilled in each of us on a global scale. A massive mindset shift is being experienced around the world for a collective humanity like never before.

If you’ve experienced a loss or tragedy yourself, you know that moments of extreme suffering in our lives can make us ultra-aware of our values and put our priorities into perspective. However, we shouldn’t have to wait for a major life event, or global pandemic, to remind us of what matters – we don’t have to wait for extreme change or loss to reinvent ourselves.


“We don’t have to wait for extreme change or loss to reinvent ourselves”



By working through what we struggle with or what haunts us we can find a more connected sense of self, and TOGETHER AWAKEN a new kind of human experience seeped deeper in wisdom, hope, and love. We can facilitate major TRANSFORMATION in people everywhere without them experiencing the pain of loss and suffering, and give hope to those who have.


I lost my husband of 27 years to brain cancer. In the aftermath of his death, I went through a profound journey of healing. While experiencing my deep grief, I intentionally practiced meaningful rituals to keep me OPEN TO LOVE, and actually met my second soulmate when I went to scatter my husband’s ashes at the Temple of Transition at Burning Man!

The openness and vulnerability of that experience helped me redefine who I am and find true love once again.

After coaching dozens of people to find love and intimacy in their lives, it’s become clear that so many of us feel like the human experience is wrought with hardship and loss. There is so much in life we cannot control – but we CAN control the way we channel our suffering into our growth.

My ideas tie together a lifetime of lived wisdom and what I’ve learned from working with dozens of people through individual coaching, group coaching and multiple retreats. I have been featured on various podcasts and at conferences as an expert in love, intimacy and rebirth.


Sacred Soulmates Ten Sacred Steps, demonstrate how a mindset shift and emotional reframing can catalyze for a greater sense of self, enhanced relationships, and global healing. We would like to share one of these sacred steps with you…

#1 Sacred Step - Practice Gratitude Daily

“Oh, that’s all?” Practicing gratitude is nothing new, I already know that!” you might say.

but try this...

Instead of focusing on what has been lost during this pandemic, why not try to focus on what you are grateful for? Think of a “silver lining” you have experienced during this trying time. Here are some examples of the “silver linings”that I experienced. Because I was not able to work for a period of time, I finally had time to launch and create my new business website. I discovered beautiful new places in nature to hike and take in the healing beauty of Mother Nature. This reflective time helped me ground in my perception of what was really important in my life. I created a new vision board to help me stay on track with these new life goals and it has made a huge difference in my life. I was able to tap more deeply into experiencing joy from the simple things in life, something that my “busy life” did not allow me to appreciate prior to the pandemic.

Don’t get me wrong, this pandemic has its struggles and challenges but…

Sometimes we can get so caught up in what we have lost during trying times that we lose site of the “silver linings”and gifts we have experienced because of the new paradigm we are forced to experience.

Practice GRATITUDE on a DAILY basis. REALLY COMMIT to it;

Try thinking of five things you are grateful for as you drift off to sleep and again when you awake to re-program your subconscious thoughts. This practice will begin to completely reframe how you experience and live your life.

This practice of gratitude will expand out to those around you, magnetizing greater pleasure and positive experiences that continue to multiply, bringing into your life so much more for you to have gratitude around.

Focus on the POSITIVE, TAKE ACTION for your OWN THOUGHTS and be part of the positive change for humanity. There is a re-birth taking place during this time of challenge and awakening.


…to practicing gratitude daily, and could you please let us know how it continues to change and enhance your life?

Please SHARE here on this blog in the comments or on our Facebook page to help inspire others!

Keep showing up and celebrating your life, step fully into your dreams, giving yourself and others hope for what is possible.

We here at Sacred Soulmates are here, to inspire, support and Believe in YOU!


An example of reframing my own personal mindset and practicing gratitude during a personal challenge; Five years in the making, my memoir, Believe! is finally scheduled for release on January 14, 2021. Yup, right in the middle of a pandemic that prohibits celebration parties, book tours and signings. I could choose to feel extreme disappointment, (and believe me I have) but….

In order to walk my talk – I must go back and focus on why I wrote my book in the first place. Why I bared my soul, my pain and my healing.

To inspire.

To heal.

To share my inspirational story, a journey from Tragic to Magic -

to help others who have given up on love to OPEN their HEARTS once again and BELIEVE!


is a better time than ever to release this inspiring book out to humanity and I choose to celebrate that. The parties, book signings and celebrations with others will come at the perfect time.

I chose to focus on having gratitude for reaching the goal of becoming a published author, and focus on the joy I feel to finally be able to share my inspirational story with others, to help make a positive difference in the world.


Stay tuned to your inbox for more inspirational messages and the sharing of our next Sacred Step, to help you step more fully into your best life!

With love and light,


Lisa Nicks-Balthasar Inspirational Speaker & Author “Believe!”

Love and Intimacy Coach

More information on how to order the inspirational memoir, Believe! coming soon……


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