Hello Sacred Soulmates Community!
In honor of Valentines Day and the connection to love and matters of the heart I felt it was perfectly aligned to share some powerful information regarding how we tap into “heart intelligence” through our coaching and exotic retreats. The heart guides us to call in the deeper, more intimate and passionate soul connection we are seeking…
I had a powerful experience with the power of manifesting through the heart, before I really understood it.
My once happy life took an abrupt and devastating turn when, within only four months, my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and passed away. My heart was shattered. His death at the young age of forty-two impressed upon me even more just how precious and fragile the gift of life is and how quickly the unlimited possibilities inside all of us can be extinguished.
It became crystal clear that the greatest gift of all is LIFE and the LOVE we experience along our journey. A part of my heart died with my husband’s passing, and I faced a choice: To give up on love, or to pick myself up and fight for the optimistic light that once burned bright inside me. After years of “being” the deep grief and loss that consumed me, processing and working through the pain, and slowly putting my life, and my children’s lives, back together again, I began to emerge through my darkest days, driven by a deep desire to embrace life and love once again.
"It became crystal clear that the greatest gift of all is LIFE and the LOVE we experience along our journey."
As I moved forward through my healing process I established an unwavering belief in my deepest soul desires. What I did not fully understand, until much later, is that I was intuitively connecting to my heart’s energetic field. This field pulsates a real, physical power that I was connecting to and could feel deep inside me. Even when my subconscious mind put forth barriers of doubt and disbelief, I would continue to go back to my heart center, surrendering to a higher power to guide me.
"Even when my subconscious mind put forth barriers of doubt and disbelief, I would continue to go back to my heart center, surrendering to a higher power to guide me."
I never gave up. I continued to believe. And I stayed centered in my hearts’ desire to manifest the life I desired. The more I opened up to my soul's path through love and the power of heart centered belief the more my awareness of "signs" and guidance from the universe unfolded right in front of my eyes. I experienced a deeper intuitive awareness that continued to guide me on my path towards my soul's purpose and a strong desire to find love once again. This “Heart-path” continues to feed my soul with a much deeper sense of inner peace and harmony that resonates within the deepest part of my core.
Miracles continued to unfold in my life as the synergy of my heart energy and soul purpose continue to align as they work together energetically.
I became fascinated with the process of manifesting and tapping into the power of our heart center and how practicing this technique created healing and a deep intimate connection to others that brought more joy and passion into their life! This experience of healing and deep soulmate connection continues to happen over and over again with my clients through the work I do as a Love and Intimacy Coach.
It is amazing to experience couples moving into a more intimate, passionate, deeper understanding and connection with one another when putting into action the techniques and tools used in our coaching.
Those seeking to call in a soulmate relationship tap into the power of their heart center, while overcoming their subconscious barriers, finally allowing them to pull in the heart aligned soulmate their heart desires while stepping fully into a new wonderful, passionate and healing love.
The continued feedback of great success from the members of our Sacred Soulmate community is touching us deeply as we continue to experience their success of moving into a strong connected, passionate and healing love
The world needs more healing and deep heart connection now more than ever and we here at Sacred Soulmates love to help create and support that through our coaching programs and exotic retreats.
There is a calming peace and connection to our "core soul" and life purpose that our energetic body can connect to if we tune into our heartbeat. I searched to have a clearer understanding of why the heart is the first organ to function during the fetal development process. And this is what I discovered:
Within about 20 days after conception, the heart starts to function, but the brain does not function until after roughly 90 days. This information suggests that the brain is secondary to the heart. One of the reasons why the heart is the first organ to function is because of the electromagnetic field generator that acts like a broadcasting device. Studies have discovered that the heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain.
"Studies have discovered that the heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain."
As the heart beats, it sends out electromagnetic waves that contain essential information. These waves of information are received by all cells of the fetus; therefore, they affect how the fetus is developed.
According to Neuro Cardiologists, 60 to 65 percent of heart cells are neuron cells, not muscle cells. This discovery has led them to develop experiments proving that the heart works similarly to the brain and is, in some ways, even superior to the brain. A study cited in Huffpost stated; “The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, because it is one of the main mediums for connecting us to each other and the Universe.”
Everything I was experiencing from being connected to my heart began to make more sense the further I researched, soaking up the information like a thirsty sponge. At first, the idea of accessing your heart’s energy to manifest and create the deeper love connection you desire seemed a little otherworldly (or as others may say, a bit woo-woo). But as I continued to read about the documented scientific research it became obvious that it’s not as strange as you may think.

As we still the mind and really become one with the calming pulsating life rhythm of our heart, our life force, we begin to feel a sense of stillness. This stillness and being one with your heart energy can guide you to a deeper understanding of your higher calling and purpose in life.
The saying, "the heart knows the way,” comes to mind as I remember the moment that I surrendered to a higher power to guide me to my heart's desires.
It was not easy to continue to follow my heart’s path. No, it was challenging to say the least to continue to overcome the barriers and obstacles that my subconscious mind would whisper in my ear as it played off of my deeply ingrained fear and doubt. It took years to build up the walls that protected my strong, yet very fragile heart. Intuitively I knew in order to truly live a life centered in peace, love and joy I would have to learn to trust and really become attuned to the deepest part of my heart and soul. The subconscious mind holds approximately 90% of our thoughts, fears, memories and reactions that often stop us from moving forward towards that which our heart desires. Accessing our heart’s intuitive intelligence can make us better communicators and decision-makers.
" The subconscious mind holds approximately 90% of our thoughts, fears, memories and reactions that often stop us from moving forward towards that which our heart desires. Accessing our heart’s intuitive intelligence can make us better communicators and decision-makers."
As babies, we begin to hear "no" or "don't do that.” Words that protect us also start to form our limitations and fears. Then, as we grow older, the ego starts to rear its ugly head. As we yearn to live a life centered in inner peace and love we often end up struggling with our ego and fears that are controlled by our subconscious mind instead of connecting back to our core — the heart.

As I researched further, I became fascinated by the studies and information that came from the HeartMath Institute Research Center. For over 30 years, their scientist and hundreds of independent researchers have explored the physiological mechanisms by which the heart and brain communicate and how the activity of the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition, and health. New research shows the human heart is much more than an efficient pump that sustains life. Their research suggests the heart is also an access point to a source of wisdom and intelligence that we can call upon to live our lives with more balance, greater creativity and enhanced intuitive capacities. The heart has been considered the source of emotions, courage and wisdom for centuries. A student of Plato and tutor to Alexander the Great, Aristotle believed and taught a cardio-centric model of human anatomy where the heart was the true center of human intelligence and not the brain.
"...the heart is also an access point to a source of wisdom and intelligence that we can call upon to live our lives with more balance, greater creativity and enhanced intuitive capacities. The heart has been considered the source of emotions, courage and wisdom for centuries."
In today’s fast-paced, crazy world, more and more people are experiencing increasing restlessness, energy drain, and overwhelm. Through this global pandemic humanity as a whole is beginning to feel a deep calling for peace, calm, and a deeper love and understanding towards one another.
We are experiencing a yearning for a deeper human connection that is being taken from us during these trying times and on the other end of the spectrum it is allowing time for deep reflection into the center of our being. Over and over again the answers around healing and forming a deeper human connection seems to be centered in love and truly the opening of the heart.
Intuitively, as a collective sea of humanity we are discovering that more and more people are seeking to live in a heart-centered way of life.
When we slow down and return to connecting deeply to our heart's core while stepping out of our ego and away from our fear, we return to our true center of being: our heart center, it is here that our true power to deeply and more intimately connect to another resides.

Tuning into your heart center allows you to embody fully the wholeness of you - authentic and aligned with a strong, rooted foundation. When you use heart energy, you use Universal power to amplify the Law of Attraction and manifest your desire. Manifesting from the heart transforms the Law of Attraction from something you try to do on your own with your mind to something that you create hand-in-hand with the Universe.
"When you use heart energy, you use Universal power to amplify the Law of Attraction and manifest your desire."
We invite you to learn more about our Sacred Soulmates coaching programs and exotic retreats as we help guide and empower each participant to have a deep understanding of how to tap into the power of following their heart intelligence to call in a deeper, more intimate and passionate soul connection.
May your hearts be full of love, joy, passion and healing!
With love and light,

Lisa Nicks-Balthasar Inspirational Speaker & Author “Believe!”
Love and Intimacy Coach